
Monday, June 22, 2020

Final Reflection

 What can you observe about your own learning? Do you see patterns in the way you approach challenges? How did you ultimately overcome this week's challenges? What lessons have you learned about yourself that may be useful in future situations?

As I reflect on class 7501 this course was very informative on giving a valid evaluation. Thinking back on module one this course explored fundamental concepts related to evaluation including the rationale for and goals of evaluations.  Also, this module explored specific themes that relate to educational technology and evaluation, and I was able to choose my own program/agency to evaluate. In module two I  elaborated about the evaluation targets and developed  a problem  statement, and also formed  a description of the effects of a situation that leads to a perceived need. In module three I developed a visual representation of the theory of change for the project, program, product, practice, or policy I evaluated. In module four I learned to choose data sources that can best help me to address my evaluation questions. In module five I learned how to best analyze data to answer my evaluation questions about the evaluation proposal. In module six I finalized my evaluation proposal. 
I have learned to approach challenges differently because things I may see as a problem may only be a symptom not the actual problem. I plan to use the lessons that I've learned to evaluate future programs,so the programs will remain valued. After completing class 7501 the patterns in the way I approach challenges have changed, because now I assess the whole problem and not just segments of the problem.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Module 4 Reflection

 Write a one-page reflection paper to describe this week's learning. What can you observe about your own learning? Do you see patterns in the way you approach challenges? How did you ultimately overcome this week's challenges? What lessons have you learned about yourself that may be useful in future situations?
Reflecting back on Module 4, the learning objective of this module was geared towards evaluation modules and data sources. In simple terms evaluation modules are supposed to be used as tools intended to help reach desired goals. In this week's reading, I noticed that having the correct professional personality will help with the process of collecting data and evaluating a program.  Thinking back on module two I was taught to elaborate on my evaluation target and how to develop a problem statement. Understanding those steps helped with moving forward with Module 3 understanding a Logic Model. During this module, I developed a visual representation for my program Advancing Opportunities.  Being introduced to these modules will be very conducive to my final research. 
The lesson that I have learned about myself is to pay attention to detail when I approach challenges. "Theory of Change, explains how the design, development, and deployment of intervention including all associated activities will bring about desired results (Spector and Yuen 2016, p.95). This statement will help in the future because it will help prepare me to make important steps to get the process started for future situations. When getting started I know to ask myself questions like " What resources are needed?", "How is the change going to take place?", "What are the stages, phases, or steps that will occur?". Questions like these can begin the start of new research, and to also help solve problems or problem symptoms. 
The patterns that I see myself making when approaching challenges is overworking myself, and not figuring out the correct formula to solve my problems. Often times not starting with the correct evaluation steps can result in wasted funding, wasted time, and or not measuring accurately what needs to be evaluated. As the course 7501 progresses, I will further be able to build all the steps to becoming successful. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

National Institutes Of Health

Considering the possible project/program that I would like to evaluate for class ELRC 7501, is The National Institutes of Health. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
is the nation’s medical research agency — making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.

NIH’s mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.

The goals of the agency are:
  • to foster fundamental creative discoveries, innovative research strategies, and their applications as a basis for ultimately protecting and improving health;
  • to develop, maintain, and renew scientific human and physical resources that will ensure the Nation's capability to prevent disease;
  • to expand the knowledge base in medical and associated sciences in order to enhance the Nation's economic well-being and ensure a continued high return on the public investment in research; and
  • to exemplify and promote the highest level of scientific integrity, public accountability, and social responsibility in the conduct of science.
In realizing these goals, the NIH provides leadership and direction to programs designed to improve the health of the Nation by conducting and supporting research:
  • in the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and cure of human diseases;
  • in the processes of human growth and development;
  • in the biological effects of environmental contaminants;
  • in the understanding of mental, addictive and physical disorders; and
  • in directing programs for the collection, dissemination, and exchange of information in medicine and health, including the development and support of medical libraries and the training of medical librarians and other health information specialists.
Evaluating the National Institutes of Health program would be conducive to my research because I am studying the disability population/community. Evaluating and studying this population will help provide more resources for this population.
 Here is a link to The National Institutes of Health

Friday, May 8, 2020

Reflection Blog Post Module 1

Oftentimes, we can associate research with boring meaningless information that can take forever to do. A lot of people think that learning is just research, and reading boring articles and books. Learning is fun! Learning can be very diverse just like people. Reflecting on the information and resources that were given in module 1 in-class ELRC 7501 was an introduction to the important roles that evaluators play in any project or program. Evaluators can contribute to advancing the process of using technology effectively and efficiently to support learning, instruction, and performance. As I applied the information I read to my own learning, I gave myself an evaluation of what I have observed in the past about my own learning skills. I am more of a visual learner, but over the years through schooling and practice, I have adapted other learning styles that have helped process information differently. Being a versatile student with different methods of learning has helped me adapt to the teaching styles from different teachers and coaches throughout my academic/ professional career.    
The way I approach challenges, I approach them with the mindset that failure is not an option. This oftentimes is not the best way to approach my challenges, because sometimes your failure can be one of your biggest lessons. Looking back on my past actions to how I approach my challenges, I see a pattern of overworking myself by doing things that are not meaningful to my journey. I plan to overcome my challenges in this course by taking the time to sit back and become the observer, listen to my peers' thoughts and ideas thoroughly, and learn how to become a problem solver without overworking myself. The design of this course ELRC 7501 is intended to help prepare me to plan, create, and apply innovative digital assessment and evaluation in education and training. This course will help me overcome my challenges, to help me prepare me to become a better problem solver and project manager.
The lesson that I learned about myself that will be useful to this course, is that I must keep in mind that there are levels of learning. I must always remember this when teaching new skills. Course ELRC 7501 is designed to introduce research-based frameworks, approaches, techniques, and best practices regarding assessment and evaluation in educational technology. Learning how to overcome my challenges will help me grasp a better understanding of the goals of this class. During this course, I plan to research frameworks that support educating and training. Now, take the time to follow me over the next several weeks to watch my research grow at Louisiana State University in Educational Technology. 

Final Reflection

 What can you observe about your own learning? Do you see patterns in the way you approach challenges? How did you ultimately overcome this ...